Marlissa Heerwaarden Small Business Principal Consultant

Marlissa van Heerwaarden

Principal Consultant

Marlissa van Heerwaarden is a human resource management and learning and development practitioner in Tumut, New South Wales. During the past two decades Marlissa has held a number of HRM, consulting, and training and development roles in manufacturing and engineering organisations including Snowy Hydro, Visy and Heinz. Over the past fifteen years, she has also worked in the vocational education and training sector creating and facilitating learning programs in the field of leadership and management.

Since establishing Small Business HR, Marlissa has worked with a number of clients across a range of sectors, including manufacturing, education and training, community services, ICT and project management.

  • Qualifications

    Bachelor of Arts (Psychology major)

    Master of Business (Human Resource Management)

    Graduate Certificate in Facilitating and Managing e-Learning

    Graduate Diploma in Vocational Education and Training

    Certificate IV in Training and Assessment TAE40110

  • Certifications

    Accredited Assessor - Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) [CPP Asia Pacific]

    Accredited Assessor - Emotional Intelligence Quotient Indicator (EQ-I 2.0 & EQ360) [MHS]

    Internal Auditor – SAI Global

  • Professional Affiliations

    Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI), Certified Member

Our Approach to Small Business HR

Customised HR support for your business needs

Tailored HR Support for Your Business Needs

In the dynamic landscape of today’s business world, having a reliable HR partner is crucial. However, we recognise that not every business requires a full-time HR resource. That’s why we offer flexible HR support solutions on an as-needed or regular basis, depending on your unique requirements. Our range of packages ensures that you get the support you need, precisely when you need it.

hr make your life easier

Making Your Business Life Easier

Setting up and managing HR processes shouldn’t be a headache for new businesses. At Small Business HR, we believe that these processes should be simple yet effective, laying the foundation for your business’s growth. We specialise in helping managers manage, working closely with them to understand their goals and address people-related challenges.

Expert in employment and hr

Comprehensive Expertise in Employment and HR management

Whether you’re dealing with people-related challenges, establishing HR processes for a new business, or seeking assistance with recruitment and selection, we have the expertise to assist. Our team is well-versed in all aspects of employment, compliance and HR management, providing you with the guidance and support necessary to navigate the complexities of workforce management.

practical HR solutions

Practical Solutions That Work for You

We strongly advocate for HR systems and processes that support and enable managers, not hinder them. Our commitment to providing tailored and practical solutions means that we don’t follow a one-size-fits-all approach. Every business is unique, and we focus on solving HR problems with solutions that align with your individual needs.


CPHR consultant
mbti certified hr consultant
EQ-i and EQ 360 hr consultant

Ready to enhance your HR experience and streamline your business operations?

Get in touch today to arrange a consultation or inquire about how we can be the perfect HR partner for your small business. Your success is our priority.